[ale] Good Linux Laptop from Lenovo?

Solomon Peachy pizza at shaftnet.org
Mon Dec 7 10:06:04 EST 2020

On Mon, Dec 07, 2020 at 09:42:31AM -0500, Derek Atkins via Ale wrote:
> What WiFi card is in there?  And is it compatible with a T470p?

My T495s has an "Wireless-AC 9260" card in it, in a M.2 2230 form 
factor.  (The current AX200 cards are the same btw)

And unless the T470p has an explicit module whitelist, it should work.
(looks like your shipped with an Wireless-AC 8265 in it)

I can't help but think though that it's not the fault of the actual wifi 
card; the intel wireless stuff as a whole is probably the 
best-supported/tested under Linux.

If you boot off a Fedora LiveUSB stick, does the onboard wifi still 
misbehave?  Similarly, if you have a random wifi dongle lying around, 
I'd recommend testing that to see if the problem is the intel 
adapter/drivers or "wifi" in general.  Finally, I'd make sure you have 
the latest BIOS update installed, and double-check the settings to make 
sure there isn't some sort of advanced/aggressive powersave feature 
that's helpfully disabling things when teh screen is blanked..


 - Solomon
Solomon Peachy			      pizza at shaftnet dot org (email&xmpp)
                                      @pizza:shaftnet dot org   (matrix)
High Springs, FL                      speachy (freenode)
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