[ale] Computer build requirements list

Leam Hall leamhall at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 19:48:34 EDT 2020

My Goodwill Computer Store got shut down for good, looks like I need
to start thinking about a new computer. I'll start the requirements
list, feel free to add requirements I didn't think of, and to suggest

Purpose: Development workstation. My plan is to do Coursera courses on
C and OS stuff, and run containers locally in Dev mode before putting
them up on AWS. Though the container mission might get put onto
another machine. I'd like this one to be lower impact.

Drives: Two, one active, one backup. I'm currently using less than
100GB for the primary drive.

Form factor: Probably mini-tower. I use USB connections for the backup
drives, kybd, mouse, and eventually a webcam and microphone.

Sound level: Quieter is better.

Multimedia: Need to be able to adjust colors, watch on-line classes,
and hear things. Will need audio in at some point in time.

CPU/Cores/RAM: It would be nice to have multiple CPUs and multiple
cores per CPU, mostly in case I head to that sort of programming. With
2 CPUs and 4 cores, the old machine had 8GB or RAM and was fast
enough. Since I do TDD, being able to run tests quickly is nice.
Prefer AMD to Intel.

Economy: Not sure what the cost level will be. Recommendations on
"best bang for buck" appreciated.

I'll go back over the e-mails from the past month or so and start my
thinking. Recommendations welcome.



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