[ale] Web Site

Christopher R. Curzio ale at accipiter.org
Fri Apr 28 22:47:41 EDT 2006

You're better off configuring a proxy server to do this, and subsequently only allowing outbound web connections from the proxy server. 

iptables is not a content filter. 

Christopher R. Curzio     |  Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax
http://www.accipiter.org  |  si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?

Thus Spake Terry Bailey <terry at bitlinx.com>:
Fri, 28 Apr 2006 10:37:23 -0400

> I have a computer with an Internet connection in a foyer running SUSE 
> 10.0.  I would like to restrict KDE so that Firefox is the only thing that 
> can be accessed.  Also, I would like to restrict Firefox so that it goes to 
> just one Web site.  Any suggestions?  I could use iptables to restrict 
> Firefox. However, the web site to which I want to point has numerous links 
> to other web sites which is OK.  So because of that, iptables could get 
> messy unless there is a way to check for "REFER" in the header and if 
> "REFER" is found, let the request through. Can iptables do that?
> Thanks,
> Terry Bailey
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