[ale] (no subject) SPAM talk...

Jim Popovitch jimpop at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 17 20:11:05 EDT 2004

Oh my God! There was a Big Shanty Festival this weekend and you didn't
let anyone know about it?!?

You left out Others #5, those that consider Drew's posts Spam. :)

-Jim P.

On Sat, 2004-04-17 at 18:14, Greg wrote:
> 	OK, I have deleted enough of this thread to cause the "Delete" type on my
> delete key on my keyboard to almost wear off.  It is the same stuff as
> before:
> 	Drew: tired of spammers but not willing to learn how to code and then code
> or hire US coders or even foreign coders to fix everything.  Has an idea
> that will have some small effect and should be implemented, but will, as
> stated before, have a small effect.  Is frustrated with spammers and of
> coders who will not do his (and other frustrated spam victims) bidding.
> 	Others: can code, but not willing as they get paid by the hour and need to
> pay the mortgage.  If it doesn't generate revenue, it probably won't get
> done (example: me).  This group hates spam, but doesn't have too much
> trouble, as they don't give out their address and they do as much as they
> can to stop it.  Spam level: 1-4 / day.  Tired of thread and useless
> arguments.  Understand that truth is often between 2 opinions.  Strong
> belief in keeping silent until they have a coded solution.  Owns a keyboard
> with "Delete" key whited out from overuse.
> 	Others #2 : can code and they get lots of spam.  Would rather fight with
> Drew than code a solution or ignore Drew and thus preventing the thread to
> exist.
> 	Others #3 : can't code, don't want to code. Get lots of spam. Too busy with
> spam to pay attention to thread, otherwise they would get behind in their
> spam deletion tasks.
> 	Others #4:are out at the Renaissance Festival or the Big Shanty Festival
> blissful and who don't' care about spam.
> 	Spammers : no change
> 	ALE list admin: no change
> 	Overall status:  Same as before, no code, no solution, no changes to ALE
> list, all are unhappy. Score : 0 all.
> 	Overall recommendation: Unless it is backed up by code (like OpenBSD's
> spamd) don't waste any more time on this thread.  Instead let's spend a
> session of the NW ALE meeting to show how we prevent spam on an individual
> basis.  Drew can show us his ways.  Others can show how they use tar pits,
> spam assassin,procmail,lists, and whatever to stop spam.  I think there was
> one on this topic before, but we can do it over.  I volunteer to show how I
> use the different browsers on MS and Linux to stop ads, how to configure
> Outlook to delete spam, and how OpenBSD's spamd works.
> Is this a good summary of the situation ???  Until a solution is provided
> please talk (not *post* !!) amongst yourselves on the topic: MS - proof of
> business Darwinism or is Darwinism itself flawed ?
> Greg - who is going to now join Others #4
> <-- HUGE SNIP -->
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