[ale] db.mynet.com and network segments

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Tue Jul 29 19:29:27 EDT 2003

David S. Jackson wrote:
> Hi,
> Well, I'm trying to figure out how to handle different network
> segments in a domain.
> For example, I'll have network.com with several private segments
> in it.  Would each segment just have its own little nameserver in
> it and include the nameservers for the other segments in it?  How
> does that work?

Each separate segment could simply have /etc/hosts configured properly 
with a machine as a gateway to the other networks.  Depends on the 
number of hosts.  For example, between my dmz and home net sits a choke 
firewall that handles all the data transfer from one net to the other. 
Two nics, one that has an ip for the dmz, the other has an ip for the 
home net.

Here's /sbin/route output on that machine:

Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use 
dmz-edu         *        U     0      0        0 eth0
home-edu        *        U     0      0        0 eth1
loopback        *            U     0      0        0 lo
default         a.dmz.edu         UG    0      0        0 eth0

dmz-edu is the dmz network and home-edu is the home network.  The 
default listed (a.dmz.edu) is my firewall which is connected to the 

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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