[ale] Linux Fund Credit Card

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Tue Jul 29 19:31:14 EDT 2003

Bob Toxen wrote:
> Some of you who got "The Linux Fund" Credit Card offer in the mail today
> as I did.  While it promises to donate all kind of money to Linux, it
> actually donates so few pennies as to be, IMHO, fraud.  This is similar
> to the credit card companies that promise to donate a few pennies to
> charity if you spend a thousand dollars through them for your Holiday
> shopping.  This offer is by Maryland Bank (MBNA).
> I had MBNA some years ago and they refused to remove fraudulent charges
> from my account.  It took the effort of the association that I got them
> through before this problem was corrected.  I then took my business
> elsewhere.

MBNA is the largest credit card company in the country.  You can 
probably figure that being that large, you're not going to get a lot of 
reasonable customer service.

> Consider this a disrecommendation.


Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

The latest, most widespread virus?  Microsoft end user agreement.
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