[ale] Needed Tools

Bao Ha baoh at linuxwizardry.com
Wed Feb 21 10:10:36 EST 2001

>         We are in the phase of creating our own stripped of 
> linux to fit
> into a rom size of 5 mb. Now our linux size is 50 mb. we want 
> to reduce
> the size of library and binaries. Is there any tool to do that ?.

What platform you are building it on?   It is better to go with
one of the embedded linux distributions, rather than trying
to create one on your own.   There are many ways to do it:
libc5, kernel 2.0.38, busy box, ash, boa,  ...  There is no one 
tool to do it, but the knowledge of how to do it.  And it is one 
of strengths of open-source software that could be used to 
your advantages.

We go with uCLinux on the Motorola Coldfire embedded
processor.  The core service is compressed and fits within 2 meg 
flash, including IPSec!   It uncompresses on start-up and runs
in RAM.  The development is tough since there is no MMU, no
shared lib, no separation of user/supevisor, ...  uCLinux on
Intel is more than double of the size, with limited support on
MMU, blah blah ...   And forget about fitting RH on a 16-meg
flash Intel-based unit. 


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