[ale] Welcome to Macromedia Flash Writer!

The Macromedia Flash Team Flash_team at macromedia.com
Thu Oct 21 04:54:28 EDT 1999

Reply To: Flash_team at macromedia.com


Dear Illustrator User, 

Thank you for downloading Flash Writer for Adobe Illustrator. 

We hope you enjoy using it to publish compact, streaming, vector-based 
Flash graphics. Flash files offer vector flexibility, compactness, and quality 
for high-performance image delivery on the Web. Vector-based, Flash files 
scale, zoom, and retain all the richness of your original designs. As binary 
files, Flash graphics are extremely compact, and stream from any Web server. 

Once you have published vector-based Flash files, consider making your site 
even higher-impact with Macromedia Flash 4, the vector-based standard that 
empowers you to easily design and reliably deliver distinctive, high-impact, 
low-bandwidth Web sites to all browsers. 

Flash is the only solution that gives you the freedom to produce sites with the 
full design, typographic, and layout fidelity that your imagination and brand 
demand. Fusing vector graphics, bitmaps, motion, MP3 audio, form input, and 
interactivity, Flash delivers fast, streaming files, consistently and 
efficiently reaching all your site's visitors. Visit www.flash.com for more 
information, or download the trial version of Flash. 

* You will need to use one of the following platform-specific 
serial numbers to install Flash Writer: 

Windows: FPW100-54866-27025-19336
Macintosh: FPM100-50064-07005-19336

Flash Writer includes a complete HTML online help system. 

* You can ask questions, get answers, and share solutions in the 
Flash newsgroup at: 

* Get in-depth info about basic features and advanced techniques in 
the Flash Developers Center at: 


Thanks again for downloading Macromedia FlashWriter! For even more 
resources and to get the latest Flash news, visit us at: 

The Macromedia Flash Team 
Macromedia, Inc. 
Flash_team at macromedia.com 

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ledgeable individual within the respective Macromedia software team. 
For all inquiries, please allow at least 48 hours for a timely response 
(at least 72 hours during weekends and holidays). 
Send wishes for future Flash features to: 
wish-flash at macromedia.com 

If you have any problems downloading this program from the Internet, 
visit our download-support TechNotes page at: 
Here, you can gain a better understanding of what obstacles your 
computer is encountering; and, most likely, troubleshoot the problem. 
If troubleshooting is unsuccessful, or if you have additional questions 
or comments, please REPLY to this e-mail with a request for Macromedia 

For information on EDUCATION discounts for students and educators, 
visit: http/www.macromedia.com/edu

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Thank you again! 

Copyright 1999 Macromedia. All rights reserved. 
Macromedia and Flash are trademarks of Macromedia, Inc. 

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