[ale] Fwd: [MailID: 700978 RE: BellSouth.net ISP Canceled For Lack Of Linux Support]

Stephen F Nicholas syssfn at panther.Gsu.EDU
Wed Oct 20 23:28:10 EDT 1999

Hello all,
  I have 2 cents to put in on this subject.  I had Bellsouth for over 2
years using Linux, but recently switched over to Mindspring.  I ran into 3
incidents where Bellsouth 'broke' my Linux connection.  I actually told
them i used Linux up front and they 'tried' to help me.  Results are

1st time:  Could not connect to them.  Worked for ~ 2 years and just
broke.  A Bellsouth.net person contacted via this list and gave me some
things to try.  They didn't work, but he was really trying to help me.  I
turned on PAP and the problem went away.  The person said they didn't use
PAP, so it wasn't the problem.  Worked for ~ 6 months.

2nd time:  Broke again suddenly.  Bellsouth actually had some of the
people using Linux talk to me.  They had changed something and told me
what to change.  Didn't work.  Problem suddenly disappeared. Lasted for ~
3 months.

3rd (and last) time:  It broke and I bailed.  Bellsouth did call me to ask
why.  I explained what my experiences were and that what I was doing
wouldn't work in 95/98 (up to 15 windows opened at the same time.)  They
acknowledged my problem and didn't try to argue the point.

Caveat:  I was working on a mission critical program for the Board of
Regents and the University System of GA.  I DID tell them this each time,
maybe this fact kept them from hanging up on me.

Bottom Line:  They tried, but it didn't work.  I switched.  Mindspring
isn't perfect (terminal connections delay during the day), but I can
connect and have used their support.  They seem to try to go out of their
way to help me.  But again, reread the caveat paragraph.  I do still
continue to inform them what I'm working on (just like I have to REMIND
Sun that I have a platinum contract with them :-)


| Steve Nicholas             |                        |
| Unix System Programmer     |  A risk is not a risk  |
| Georgia State University   |  until it is taken.    | 
| snicholas at gsu.edu          |                        |
| 404-651-2639               |  BBROYGBVGW            |

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