[ale] Kenwood TrueX CD-ROM drives

Christopher S. Adams toiletduk at penguinpowered.com
Mon Nov 22 17:49:33 EST 1999

i doubt that the drive is wintendo-only
i'd suggest calling kenwood and asking if the eide drive is a standard atapi


----- Original Message -----
 From: Jeff Hubbs <Jhubbs at NIIT.com>
To: <ale at ale.org>
Sent: Monday, November 22, 1999 4:28 PM
Subject: [ale] Kenwood TrueX CD-ROM drives

> Can anyone speak to the usability of these CD-ROM drives under Linux?  The
> fastest one is a 72x and it's EIDE.  There is some mention of drivers that
> spooks me into thinking that these might be Windows-only critters.  The
> I saw at CompUSA today said (I think) it required Win98 or Win95 OSR2.
> There is also mention of a SCSI version of a slower model.  Might it be
> immune to any Windows-specificity inherent in the EIDE version?
> http://www.kenwoodtech.com/products.html for more info.
> - Jeff

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