[ale] Strange diald trigger

ryan at techie.com ryan at techie.com
Mon Jul 5 14:25:46 EDT 1999

Pure poetry...  the vivid imagery brought tears to my eyes:)

On Mon, 5 Jul 1999, Jim Kinney wrote:

> It's the new and improved Windows 98
> Bill-owns-interest-in-most-bandwidth-providers networking upgrade. It
> automatically sends a registry update to Redmond to inform them of any
> status change in your system. This allows for (fee-based contract only)
> monitoring of Windows 98 machines for bootleg software in realtime. It
> also notifies the mothership, er, ah, Bill's lair, I mean, Redmond of the
> presence of any rogue (competing) software. It will allow for the
> automatic
> retrival of updates to ward off offending programs. This new feature is
> called Very Intrusive Redmond Update System, or VIRUS for short. The user
> never needs to interact with this management software. In fact, the user
> is not allowed to interact at all with this. Future upgrades will include
> the interface for the biometric identification system, Practically
> Automatic Centralized Emergency Marketing And Kinetic Energy Replacer, or
> PACEMAKER. The interconnection protocol for this is called Basic
> Interactive Lightspeed Lockup, BILL for short. Eventually, all Windows 98
> users will be able to interface their PACEMAKER with a VIRUS and fully
> experience the power of BILL.
> Bwahahahahaha :)
> James Kinney M.S.Physics		jkinney at teller.physics.emory.edu
> Educational Technology Specialist	404-727-4734
> Department of Physics Emory University	http://teller.physics.emory.edu
> On Mon, 5 Jul 1999, Gary S. Mackay wrote:
> > Does anyone know what a Win98 box would be sending out every half hour that
> > triggers diald? I have working just fine for NT, Win98 and a Win95 box. I
> > recently added another win98 box and to the best of my knowledge, it is
> > configured just like the rest. But, while it is powered on, diald triggers
> > every half hour. Turn it off, and diald only triggers when I want it to. I've
> > compared all the settings, hosts file, etc. between it and the rest of the
> > boxes and can not find any difference. What else could it be?
> > 
> > - Gary
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Edison Information Technologies
> > P.O. Box 554
> > Milan, OH  44846-0554
> > 419.499.7040
> > www.EdisonInfo.com
> > Gary at EdisonInfo.com
> > --
> > 

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