[ALE-jobs] IT support position at Georgia Tech School of Biology

Lew Lefton llefton at math.gatech.edu
Mon Feb 24 21:18:04 EST 2014

This job isn't purely focused on Linux, but it would help to know a 
little bit.  You'd be working with servers, desktops, mobile devices, 
networks, Mac OS, Windows, web, database, and plenty of other 
technology.  You'll be at a excellent Institution with lots of 
opportunities, and you'll be supporting a great group of scientists, 
staff, and students.  More info here:


Lew Lefton

|Dr. Lew Lefton, IT Director     | Phone:     (404) 385-0052          |
|School of Math, College of Sci. | FAX:       (404) 894-4409          |
|Georgia Institute of Technology | e-mail:    llefton at math.gatech.edu |
|Atlanta, GA  30332-0160         | http://www.math.gatech.edu/~llefton|

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