[ale] ALE meeting location

Jim Kinney jim.kinney at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 11:32:13 EDT 2020


As you know, the new location for ALE meetings was to change for March to a nice location closer to Melton's. 

The location is a meeting room in an apartment building for seniors. 

Given the concerns and elevated risk of seriousness for seniors surrounding the Covid-D virus, it is best that we NOT meet at the new place until the infection rate is less of a risk for the residents. (Not discussing some age issues with ALE meeting attendees :-) get off my lawn! )

So let's stay at Decatur Makers Space for now and revisit moving at a later date.

Wash your hands. Cover your coughing and sneezing. Avoid infection risk with others by avoiding exposure if you have a fever, cough, and shortness of breath. 

Now might be a good time to experiment with Apache Meeting.
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. All tyopes are thumb related and reflect authenticity.
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