[ale] Voting machines

Jerald Sheets questy at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 09:48:10 EST 2020

> On Dec 15, 2020, at 2:59 PM, Jim Kinney via Ale <ale at ale.org> wrote:
> There was a point in time years back when national politics bled into ALE. During that election cycle the membership plummeted as a few die hards would pound the keyboards and foment ire. It was unpleasant to watch, read, and eventually moderate with no mercy.
> I pay a stupid amount of money right now to keep the ale.org server online. I will TURN IT OFF if I see ANY discussion of any election that extends beyond how Linux systems could help or hinder voting. I hope everyone eligible to vote does so in a respectful manner so they can also get called up for jury duty.
> The feces can become ambulatory and reside elsewhere.

I’m Jerald Sheets, and I approve this message.

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