[ale] Fwd: Voting machines

Solomon Peachy pizza at shaftnet.org
Mon Dec 14 23:04:20 EST 2020

On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 10:06:56PM -0500, Bob Toxen via Ale wrote:
> Correction: judges refused to consider the cases and refused to look at any
> of the massive evidence.  Why they refused to look, frankly, is a mystery
> to me but again off topic.

Again, Citation-'effing-needed.  You brought this up; Time to put up.

Outside the courtroom it's been "fraud fraud fraud fraud fraud!!!!!11", 
but inside the courtroom, under oath, the stories have been very 
different.  In only a small handful of those cases was fraud even 
alledged, and in *every single instance* they have provided *zero* 
evidence.  Or even listed any specific instances where fraud supposedly 
occurred!  Instead they have resorted to handwave-y arguments that 
basically boil down to "fraud must have happened because we didn't get 
the outcome we wanted. [see attached statistical analysis that would 
garner an F in any statistics class]"

> > (It's funny how being under oath causes one to change their story)

> Yup.  Hundreds of affidavits affirming illegal ballot counting and
> shocking video of very likely illegal fraudulent counting in
> Fulton County, GA.

Yet in spite of having these binders full of affadavits of rampant, 
systemic fraud on a massive scale, somehow these crack legal teams 
couldn't manage to supply anything to the courts.

And before you try to say that the courts dismissed many of these suits 
without considering any merits, that's actually true, because among the 
legal requirements for a lawsuit is that you have to (1) have standing 
to sue, (2) actually sue the correct parties, and (3) include an 
semi-coherent actual legal argument ("state a claim for which relief can 
be granted").  This isn't even Law School 101; it's basic LSAT, and the 
campaign's crack legal teams couldn't even manage that much.

But everyone involved knows it's BS -- The point isn't to actually win; 
it's to fundraise, and in that respect this 0.5:51 losing streak has 
been a wild success.

 - Solomon
Solomon Peachy			      pizza at shaftnet dot org (email&xmpp)
                                      @pizza:shaftnet dot org   (matrix)
High Springs, FL                      speachy (freenode)
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