[ale] Gearing up for the future (wuz: boot speed, systemd, vi vs emacs, etc)

Leam Hall leamhall at gmail.com
Mon Feb 19 11:24:26 EST 2018

On 02/19/2018 10:19 AM, Jerald Sheets via Ale wrote:
> So let me interject into this conversational process a “norm” that’s 
> evolving out in silicon valley.

Let me render an opinion based on Jerald's comments. Containerization 
will change "things" as much as VMWare. SMBs will use a cloud provider 
(AWS, Linode). Large enterprises will use thin clients or portable 
workstations to connect to their environment. We've probably all seen 
the signs.

Griping about systemd feels good but doesn't prepare me for the next 
career challenges. So, what to do?

We have, individually and collectively, at least a few choices.

	1. Change careers so systemd/boot times/containers don't matter.
	2. Hang out with the legacy systems.
	3. Join those moving to the "new thing".
	4. Help enable the "even newer thing".

I'd say the "new thing" (#3) is cloud and the "even newer thing" is 
containers (#4). There are multiple container technologies and the 
market is likely to settle on one.

As I look at my career and this list the path forward isn't clear. I get 
paid for #2 while #1 has been a long standing option. Would need energy 
and a team to do #4 while #3 is a safe forward option. However, "safe" 
is relative; they can find younger and cheaper cloud admins.



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