[ale] Knowledge/equivalency database?
DJPfulio at jdpfu.com
Sat May 27 16:11:53 EDT 2017
I think you want a "catalog" or "parts DB" - those would be the terms I
used for web searching.
If I'm putting it inside the corporate network, not accessable publicly,
then any language would be fine. If I'm putting it outside the
corporate network or on some cloud servers, then I'd have security at
the front and I'd use a language that isn't known for being hacked.
Inside the corporate LAN, RoR would be at the top of my list, but it
requires heavy resources and won't run and cannot be maintained on
general, low-end VPS cloud servers. I've had gem update refuse to
complete on less than 1G of RAM, for example. Python and Perl don't
have this issue.
My $0.20.
BTW, a catalog webapp is a very common first web-app in the training
books for pretty much any webapp framework. Most of these frameworks
really hide the HTML from you until you want something like drag-n-drop.
On 05/27/2017 01:28 PM, Robert L. Harris wrote:
> I have a couple projects where I want a very generic knowledge
> database that will include some equivalencies. Something along the line of:
> Part #
> - other vendor part # that works just fine
> - other vendor part # that works just fine
> - other vendor part # that works just fine
> - read-only notes
> - comments by other, non-random users
> - other vendor part # that works just fine
> I'm thinking a relational database with an html front end. Problem #1,
> I suck at html. #2, I'd rather not re-invent the wheel but searching
> for "knowledgebase" and similar ends up with a lot of helpdesk systems.
> Anyone have a suggestion for something I can throw on an linux box
> behind a firewall, AWS or even firewalle? I looked into "wikidata" but
> that doesn't look like I can create a "section" for just the pieces I'm
> trying to line up.
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