[ale] changes to fstab in fedora 20

Scott Castaline skotchman at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 16:36:50 EDT 2014

Anyone understand the changes made to filesystem mounting at boot-time 
in Fedora 20? Apparently systemd now controls it all? The reason i ask 
is that when I had originally upgraded to F 20 I had setup all 5 drives 
in the installer. Since then everytime the door leading to the garage, 
under the room my systems are in, slams shut it causes the floor to pop 
up and my system will sometimes jump. Normally everyone is careful about 
opening and closing this door and I had also moved the computers over to 
the other side of the room the last time I went through the hassle of 
crashed drives. This one day was exceptionally windy and the door really 
slammed hard. Immediately I started getting warnings of read/write 
errors, bad sectors, etc., etc. on one drive then 2 more drives suddenly 
unmounted. The system then rebooted itself and never came back up.

Since it was toast I went ahead and ran smartctl tests followed by 
badblocks which pointed to my 4th drive (hmm not the 5th or 3rd drives). 
I then ran dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sd? on the remaining 4 drives. I 
did the boot drive seperately so that I could get my system at least 
partially back up. I reinstalled F 20 with just the one hdd figuring 
that the remaining 3 drive I could manually add back in. By the way I 
don't use raid so that is not to be figured into my problem, I do 
however setup LUKS on the raw device followed by LVM. My steps are:

1. cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sd? (exact syntax maybe wrong as I'm doing 
this by memory which admittedly has gone downhill lately).

2. blkid /dev/sd? (to get the luks UUID of the drive for the next 2 steps)

3. cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sd? luks-<Block UUID >

4. pvcreate /dev/mapper/luks-<Block UUID >

5. vgcreate <name used for vg> /dev/mapper/luks-<Block UUID >

6. lvcreate -L <size of lv> -n <name of lv> <name of vg>

7. mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/vg-name/lv-name

8. I'll go ahead and mount it where I plan to mount it in fstab and 
verify that all is well.

9. Add the luks UUID in /etc/crypttab and enter the mounting info of the 
lv in fstab. (This is where it is different. I noticed that the mount 
options part is different from the past in that it'll have 
"defaults;x-systemd.device-timeout=0 1 2" on lvs that were created by 
the installer. So I duplicated this for the lvs that I added.

10. Unmount lvs, close luks volume and reboot.

The system will then either hang on boot or dump out to maintenance mode 
when trying to mount my lv. I can however manually mount the lv and the 
boot will continue. So what's the deal? Anyone know? This is the way 
I've done it in the past with NFP. I found the docs on this very 
confusing in that it keeps on referring to something else which will 
refer to something else again, so on & so on, eventually it goes around 
in a circle.

Hellllppp Meeeeeeeeeeee (in my best human-fly imitation from the spider 

Scott C.

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