[ale] GUI for working on a remote Subversion workspace?

Ben Coleman oloryn at benshome.net
Thu Jun 13 10:43:47 EDT 2013

On 6/12/2013 21:28, Scott Plante wrote:
> You didn't say whether you were looking for a Linux or Windows client.
> If Linux, and if you have a GUI you like for local work, you could try
> sshfs. Then you could make the remote end look like a local files.
> Whoa, look at that, turns out there's a win-sshfs project?! I just
> Googled it up, so I have no idea how well it works. 
> https://code.google.com/p/win-sshfs/

That, so far, looks most promising of all.  One would be comfortable in
Linux, but the others are most likely to be using Winders.  Thhanks!

Ben Coleman oloryn at benshome.net | For the wise man, doing right trumps
http://oloryn.benshome.net/     | looking right.  For the fool, looking
Amateur Radio NJ8J              | right trumps doing right.

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