[ale] OT: How many Linux guys are looking for work in ATL?

Bob Toxen transam at VerySecureLinux.com
Wed Aug 29 18:48:16 EDT 2012

On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 03:21:30PM -0400, Michael H. Warfield wrote:
> * You require they notify you and get your approval for each client they
> submit you to (avoids extremely embarrassing duplicates from different
> recruiters and the resulting commission food fight).
This is CRITICAL!  In case of a "dual submittal" each headhunter will
demand the full commission on threat of a lawsuit.

Most managers have very small BLEEPs and will just hire someone else.
This happened to me years ago.
> * You DO have to make sure you know everywhere they say they are
> submitting your name.
Be sure you have an email, text message, or similar reasonably provable
statement to this effect.  (In Georgia it is legal to record a phone
conversation without the knowledge or consent of the other party and
legally introduce it into court.)

> * No notice to you and no approval from you - no commission.  Make sure
> they understand that and that you will rat them out if you get hired
> somewhere they didn't tell you about and they try to claim the
> commission.
See above.

Yet more great advice from Mike!

> Regards,
> Mike

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