[ale] Google resets

Scott Plante splante at insightsys.com
Mon Aug 20 17:45:38 EDT 2012

Note that in last week's discussion, the symptom was Google giving a message about possible abuse and requiring a CAPTCHA once. So connection resets wouldn't be related to that problem. Also, as an added data point, I didn't have any problems with my Google searches this morning. Going to "google.com" in Chrome redirects to 'https://" for me. This may be because I have a saved Google login, or that I'm signed into it in Chrome. 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Jeff Lightner" <JLightner at water.com> 
To: "Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts" <ale at ale.org> 
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 11:26:50 AM 
Subject: Re: [ale] Google resets 

You really ought to read the entire email before you respond. I made it clear I had already seen the earlier discussion. My post was to see if anyone was having an issue TODAY and also a mini-rant against a practice that would cause this based on the reasoning given in that earlier discussion. 

Anyway it turns out my issue is that the default search engines in Firefox for some reason now uses https:// for Google rather than simple http:// - on doing the standard page in Firefox it works fine. 

Now the question is why does Firefox only have this https version when they clearly call it "experimental" in their discussion when you check for available search engines? Another question would be does https normally work and it is just this part that Google is having issues with today? Anyone else able to get to Google via https? 

I'd actually seen similar issues a few weeks ago but didn't realize it was because their "default" was doing https://. Since it was a side issue I didn't delve into it and later was no longer experiencing it. This may be an issue with our internal web filter appliance. 

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