[ale] as promised/threatened, an overly long post with probably nothing of real importance

Geoffrey Myers lists at serioustechnology.com
Mon May 9 09:18:34 EDT 2011

rhia wrote:
> Late, as usual.
> We're on the West/Left Coast now, plus other time demands, I usually
> catch up late, between hours and weeks, on ALE.
> Simply put: I STILL follow ALE because, in all of our travels across
> this vast country, ALE seems to have a majority of responders of the
> best and brightest. I do not say so lightly. This list rocks.
> Politically? Well, after numerous addresses in the deep south (plus
> Texas, pretty much its own country, but it takes in more federal tax
> dollars than it sends in, so, still a state) - I'm still in that fast
> dying moderate camp.
> Politically on this list? REALLY? There aren't any, Any, ANY other lists
> on which you can espouse your political ideals? 
> Yes, I know, if you delve deep enough, you'll find me ranting political
> views on this list.
> I grew up.
> This is the Atlanta LINUX Enthusiasts list. Last I checked, Linux wasn't
> lining up for the republicans or the democrats or the green party or any
> other political affiliation. In fact, last I checked, Linux was an OS,
> not a PAC.
> Oh, I don't mind so much, personally, if the list goes offtrack, but I
> do mind having to shovel through politics to get technical answers
> to ...WTF ?? questions.
> BTW, I'm active in quite a few ....social/political email lists, forums,
> and whatnot. I am not against expressing political views - in the
> appropriate forum. This ain't it. There are hundreds of thousands of
> much more appropriate places.
> Does this mean I'm 100% against any hint of political viewpoint here?
> No. But, just, can't we just take religion (do NOT get me started) and
> politics and money (the big 3) elsewhere and leave this most helpful
> LINUX list to, well, LINUX?


> rhia

Until later, Geoffrey

"I predict future happiness for America if they can prevent
the government from wasting the labors of the people under
the pretense of taking care of them."
- Thomas Jefferson

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