[ale] LightScribe for Linux

Pat Regan thehead at patshead.com
Tue Jun 28 18:05:39 EDT 2011

On Tue, 28 Jun 2011 17:51:27 -0400
"Michael B. Trausch" <mike at trausch.us> wrote:

> Yes, I always hated GIF for that.  I always wondered, too, why people
> were so angry over the patent issues with GIF and the compression that
> it employed.  I thought that there was no great loss with the
> inability to use GIF for a long time.  Web browsers didn't take that
> long to pick up support for the PNG format, and it was (is!) far, far
> superior...

I don't know about PNGs being "far" superior to GIFs.  If it weren't
for animated GIF files I wouldn't have been able to create a spinning
version of my head 10 years ago!


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