[ale] OT My wife is cleaning me out!

Jim Lynch ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Mon Jun 13 05:55:31 EDT 2011

I have a ton of old magazines to dispose of.  They include Nuts and 
Volts, Circuit City, Dr Dobbs, Computers and Electronics, Compute, 73, 
QST and  c++ User Journal.  If interested bring a 3/4 ton truck and pick 
them up. ;) Many starting in the late 70's to 80's and beyond.

I also have many early Byte magazines that are available if my wife 
doesn't sell them in the mean time.  Starting with Jan '76.

I also started subscribing to Linux Journal with issue 1.  I can't say I 
have a complete set, but most of them are still hanging around somewhere.


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