[ale] laptop diagnostics

Paul Cartwright ale at pcartwright.com
Thu Jan 20 13:22:49 EST 2011

On 01/20/2011 10:07 AM, Lightner, Jeff wrote:
> You aren't running this on a docking station by any chance?  My Dell
> Lattitude D630 requires more power for the docking station and actually
> has two different bricks available - A 65 watt one that runs it fine
> detached from the docking station but won't if it is on the docking
> station - for that I need the 90 watt one.
no docking station. just plugging in the brick to the laptop.. never
have got it to boot..

> It seems if it were a heat issues as others have suggested then leaving
> it unplugged for some time and allowing it to cool then powering it on
> would make it try to boot as you said it tried at one point before.
yeah, no heat, no boot..

> I'm wondering if the issue is the battery?  Have you tried removing that
> and running just with the brick?  My D630 allows me to do that as I
> recently discovered.  (My battery had died recently.  My issue was the
> battery simply wouldn't charge and continued to flash the amber battery
> light when I had the brick attached - it didn't prevent me from booting
> up though.)  It may be your issue is something with the battery that is
> somehow preventing it from using the brick power so removing the battery
> might help.   
yup, tried it with/without the battery same results.

> Also does the battery on yours have the little lights on the back of it?
> That is a tester built into it and you can get details on what you
> should see from the Dell site.   (Mine was kaput so the tester did
> nothing - I ended up replacing the battery.
yes the little light on the brick is on.

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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