[ale] Best way to get dual display working (take 2k)

Scott Castaline skotchman at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 12:52:56 EST 2011

On 01/06/2011 12:31 PM, Greg Clifton wrote:
> Pulling out the way back machine, I recall the first computer I ever 
> built (actually upgraded). I started out with a genuine IBM PC XT as I 
> recall, at least it did have a genuine IBM Color Graphics Card and 
> Quadchrome CGA monitor. So I bought a hot new 12MHz motherboard & CPU 
> and put it in the box and no video! I actually went through 3 
> motherboards till I got one that ran the ISA bus at a slower clock 
> speed closer to what the original IBM PC did (4.77MHz w/ 4 wait states 
> as I recall). The problem was that my fast NEW motherboard was too 
> fast for my slow OLD  CGA card. Perhaps you are experiencing a similar 
> race condition (hot card w/ lots of RAM not finishing initializing 
> before the POST moves on to the next device?). Maybe try setting the 
> BOOT options in BIOS to the slowest possible, ie, do NOT enable "quick 
> boot" mode and also try with BIOS defaults (the failsafe, not the 
> optimal).
I am currently running on failsafe default settings. I don't really see 
any settings in BIOS to tweek the PCIe bus any. They use Award BIOS, so 
if you're familiar with it than maybe you can point me into another 
direction that may not be as obvious. I did like the ASUS BIOS (I 
believe they use AMI), it seemed to have a lot more flexibility and 
control of the various busses.

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