[ale] Data center space?
Jim Kinney
jim.kinney at gmail.com
Mon Sep 20 17:16:00 EDT 2010
And don't forget places like ServerBeach and RackSpace.
On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 4:43 PM, Chris Fowler
<cfowler at outpostsentinel.com>wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-09-20 at 15:11 -0400, Michael B. Trausch wrote:
> >
> > I'm wondering, at what point does it become more worth it to just put
> > my
> > own real systems in a data center and manage them myself? I don't
> > mind
> > managing things myself; my plans would essentially be to have a big
> > friggin' storage unit and then run multiple systems off of it. I
> > realize that I would be spending a bit more in terms of the hardware,
> > and that doesn't really bother me either. My real question is to
> > someone that has done all this already, should I be doing it yet? Or
> > should I wait until I'm paying more than I am now? And why does it
> > seem
> > that all the data centers are very hush-hush about what they charge?
> > I
> > can't seem to find rates for the life of me.
> >
> >
> When you are ready to spend about $500/mon for a half-rack then you are
> ready to go colo.
> Look at what you are brining in (sales) and then look at the costs
> involved. Data centers are very hush-hush because this is not DSL like
> pricing. The colo service is negotiable. The best thing to do is get a
> survey of what people on ALE pay and use that as a guide to what you'll
> end up paying. If you don't have this info you'll end up paying "list"
> and the sales rep will make a good commission.
> You can also look at sub-leasing space from people in a colo. We
> started doing this but were burned twice! We got a much better rate and
> shorter commitment from our vendor then we were going to get with QTS.
> However, our vendor sold their service at QTS to a company that sucked.
> That company moved to Peak 10 and later failed. We negotiated a rate
> with Peak 10 that was very close to what we were paying and stayed in
> their data center. It is much better for us and the service from Peak
> 10 is above excellent.
> Peak 10 is more about colo. As Greg said, you should probably look at 1U
> rental. Peak 10 may even offer it. I know this "data center" in Buford
> offer 1U or even a shelf to put a tower on but I would not classify them
> as a "data center". I think they were $75-$100/mon for that service.
> Good luck and congratulations on your growth!
> Chris
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James P. Kinney III
I would rather stumble along in freedom than walk effortlessly in chains.
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