[ale] Boot issues - OR - why Mafia$oft hurts/disappoints everyone endlessly

Richard Bronosky Richard at Bronosky.com
Mon Nov 29 10:22:12 EST 2010

When people complain about the price of Apple computer I tell them to
find an equivalently spec'ed Dell (including bus speed and on proc
cache levels) then compare. (Assuming that Apple RAM is overpriced and
you should customized your Apple order down and order from Crucial)
those who follow through are usually impressed. But then when it comes
to portables... Fagetaboutit. No one come close to Apple's size
constraints and build quality. Maybe Sony, but they are more expensive
than Apple for lesser specs.

On 11/28/10, Mike Harrison <cluon at geeklabs.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 28 Nov 2010, Chris Fowler wrote:
>> This is the main reason I don't try and convert people.
> It's why, dispite my personal interest levels,
> I usually don't talk much about:
>    - Linux
>    - FOSS
>    - Burning Man
>    - Alchemy (the Atlanta based "Regional Burn")
>    - Raves / Social Experiments
>    - Caving and Caving Events (see Raves)
>    - Alternative Music Festivals (LEAF is awesome!)
>    - Drum Circles (the kind people dance naked around the fire)
>    - Contra Dancing (see Rave/Gestalt/Group Euphoria)
>    - Welding / Machining
>    - Metal Sculture Art
>    - Fire Art / Poi (Fire Dancing)
>    - Religion
>    - Theology
>    - Really good Sex
> To anyone not already of the interest group mentioned
> or that I think is a viable candidate for being a major
> part of that interest group.
> The big issue is a establishing that common interest,
> setting the vocabulary and values, and then supporting it.
> It's hard.
> I'll throw something out, and if they catch it, I'll continue.
> For example:
> Them:  "My $!@! computer just got infected again!"
> Me:    "Stop using Winders".
> Them, Option 1:
>         "What are you using?"
> Them, Option 2:
>         "Them Apples are expensive"
> Them, Option 3:
>         "What else can you use?"
> I will toss some bait at Option 1. Might at option 2, and at Option 3 my
> answer might as well be: "The Aliens provided me a computer that runs on
> water..."  So I usually stop there.
> Experience has taught me to evaluate the person on sight, with only a few
> misses, so I often don't even toss out the bait.
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.!# RichardBronosky #!.

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