[ale] [ALE-jobs] Opportunity for Windows Admin in PA/TN
Aaron Ruscetta
arxaaron at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 17:12:29 EST 2010
My feeling is that the windows centric job posting is and
would be inappropriate regardless of any unemployment
figures in the bomb and bankrupt, billionaire banker bailout,
corporapist death machine repub-lie-conomy.
There are plenty of outlets to see postings for the kind of
employment that spreads windisease and aids and abets
the extortionist criminals of MafiaSoft.
Duplicating these postings on the ALE list can only serve to
demoralize those looking to employ their Linux / Unix skills,
the skills which they likely developed, at least in part, to help
them preserve free speech, eradicate windisease and fight
criminal corporate corruptions of our information technology
The agreed purpose of the ALE jobs list, and the stated intent
and commitment when we started it, has been to be an aid in
promoting Linux and FLOSS use in the wider community
by providing Linux and FLOSS users with a resource for
finding and employing Linux and FLOSS professionals.
Job postings on the ALE jobs list should have significant
relevance to working with Linux / Unix / FLOSS admin
and development or they should be deemed inappropriate
for posting. Hoping to plant evangelistas or trolls or guerillas
or saboteurs in the enemy camp is a disingenuous and
dubious tactic.
The original intent and commitment of the ALE jobs list
needs to remain the intent and commitment regardless
of outside circumstances. If an ALE member wants to
employ skills NOT related to Linux and Unix and FLOSS,
they have a great many places to advertise their availability
(for enslavement and exploitation), since corporate crime
is the kind of crime that _does_ presently pay thanks to
our corporapist welfare state society. Places to advertise
Linux / FLOSS skills and employment opportunities in a
targeted way are not as common and need to be consistent
in their purpose.
Your own tag line says it very concisely:
" I would rather stumble along in freedom than walk
effortlessly in chains."
On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Jim Kinney <jim.kinney at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am admitting being torn about this so I am offering both an apology and my justification.
> The ALE-jobs list was formed to provide a moderated clearinghouse for job posting that are for Linux/FOSS positions in their entirety or partially. This position has absolutely no mention at all of any aspect of Linux/FOSS skills being either required, desired or optional. I would normally have replied back to the recruiter (the email was sent to me directly, NOT to ale-jobs) with a snarky "Did you READ my resume? Do you see ANY mention of skills like you are looking for? I don't FIX windows machine, I REPLACE them with working Linux systems!". If there is any mention of Linux/FOSS skills, I am far more polite and inform them I will forward their request (I have done many of these) to the ALE-jobs list and tell them where it is and what it's about. (The response has always been very positive!)
> However, this morning I was checking email on my phone and saw the posting. On the radio was a blurb about unemployment still stuck around 9.6%. So I forwarded a temporary job notice that had nothing to do with Linux/FLOSS skills at all knowing there are many ALE'rs with windows creds that this position could benefit. I publicly hope an ALE'r gets this position and helps bring the joy of Linux/FLOSS to the poor winders-only company.
> So for those that are offended by my passing along a non-Linux/FLOSS job posting, my humble apologies for this and any other possible future transgressions in the same vein. Employed Linux/FLOSS enthusiasts can do more good inside a windows-only shop than unemployed ALE'rs can do. Plus I know we have some very talented winders-admin types that are exploring the Linux/FLOSS world and they would benefit directly.
> For those who are happy to see a job posting they are qualified for, please don't forget you saw it on a Linux/FLOSS mailing list :-)
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