[ale] windows printers

Paul Cartwright ale at pcartwright.com
Thu May 14 16:36:18 EDT 2009

On Thu May 14 2009, Paul Cartwright wrote:
> I did make it a static IP, but I replaced my old netgear router with a
> linksys, and had problems getting it to work with the 192.168.10.? subnet,
> but range worked fine.. I forgot about the printer...
> > Second, go to the Control Panel > Printers. Right click the printer
> > and choose "Properties". Edit the IP address in the "Location" field
> > on the "General". Next, go to the "Ports" tab and "Configure..." the
> > port. Change the IP address. Done.
> I tried that. When I right-click & select properties, it comes back with an
> error dialog box:
> Printer properties cannot be displayed. Make sure that you have typed the
> name correctly, and that the printer is connected to the network.

to update my own email, I changed my IP back to which just 
happened to conflict with my wifes vista laptop, so i rebooted her laptop, 
and I still get that error message when trying to right-click the printer.
I hate to set up Samba for just one printer, but that may be what I need to 

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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