[ale] Tivax STB-T8 Serial Interface

Adam Allred prozaconstilts at gmail.com
Fri Jan 9 22:35:05 EST 2009

 > There is a bit of delay before it switches so if you enter another 
 >channel change before it is finished you will get interesting results.
 >    zir 63-3
 >    zir 17-1
 > In quick succession this ends up telling the box to switch to channel 
 >317-1. During a channel switch there is some feedback from the box. It 
 >may be necessary to parse this to avoid a channel change collisions.

It looks like the box is waiting for you to press sel/enter on the 
remote. You know when you type in a number on a remote and the OSD shows 
what you type? It'll hang for a few seconds while it waits for input, 
and if you don't press enter, it'll finally just change the channel.

Looks like it takes whatever input you give it and just overflows the 
previous input off until it receives an enter or a timeout.

Try sending it a 'zir <channel> sel' and maybe it'll take that, or 'zir 
<channel>' and a separate 'zir sel'.

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