[ale] GP2X and toys
Michael B. Trausch
mbt at zest.trausch.us
Tue Aug 25 09:12:58 EDT 2009
On Tue, 2009-08-25 at 05:55 -0400, Mike Harrison wrote:
> > While you raise a good point about the rising frequency of the
> > "excuses" the harsh reality is many of us already have a basement full
> > of technology toys and adding to the collection is a sticking point in
> > the relationship. Even when times have been flush buying a new gizmo
> > is often met with the same level of disdain just due to the increase
> > in geek toy count.
> Michael B. Trausch gets a "daddy day care" pass, and I hope they kids are
> getting a good fatherly upbringing with lots of FOSS
> technological/socialogical underpinnings. Enjoy the time with the kids,
> take a lot of pictures, they'll be gone, grown up, soon. :)
Oh, yes. Though, my mother (who runs Windows) has taught him the
Windows logo and what a Windows system looks like. Now, every time he
looks at my keyboard, he points at the super key and says "Windows!" and
runs away. It's terribly cute, but very frustrating. He's not (yet)
old enough where I can really explain to him meaningfully the
differences between the systems, and ultimately when he gets a computer,
he'll start with a Linux distribution of some sort or another, but if he
chooses to run something else, well, that'll be his choice.
I actually look at one's choice of operating system much as I do one's
choice of just about anything else: ultimately, freedom means that we
get to make our own choices. As long as the options and known, and
considered, I'm fine with someone running Windows. As long as they've
given something like Ubuntu some serious trial and consideration, I'll
stand behind them if they choose to run something different. I may not
be able to provide technical support for it... (or if I can/do, it'd be
something along the lines of http://xkcd.com/627/)...
We have plenty (and take plenty) of pictures, and he's just wonderfully
well-behaved. At some point soon, him and I will actually make our way
to an ALE meeting together, I am actually pretty confident now that he's
more than adequately prepared to handle himself quietly in one.
Hopefully, he won't disappoint there, I'd hate to have to leave a
meeting because he can't behave.
> Oh.. yeah.. the basement... Or in my case, it used to be the "living
> room". And then I got married again, and it had to look like humans
> lived there (she even painted the walls!). Laughing.
> One advantage to getting married (again) later in life, is when she met me
> I was living in a house of techno-toys, stuffed Tux penguins, old
> computers and odd movies, and at 40+ I wasn't going to change. The gun
> safe in the entryway "had to go somewhere else". The toy robot collection
> got cleaned up... There are many comprimises made when two+ people live
> together. Heck, I even let her run Windows, although she can use Ubuntu as
> well. But she's knows I'm gruff and grumbly when it comes to solving
> Windows problems.
Hey, to each their own. :-)
We have lots of penguins here, too. Would like more of the Tux variety,
but my desk has lots of happy little (and big!) penguins that my son
likes to play with.
--- Mike
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