[ale] speaking of KDE 4.1 and Ubuntu 8.10

Robert Reese~ ale at sixit.com
Sat Nov 15 14:01:20 EST 2008

Okay, kinda dumb questions:

I just got a 1TB drive to replace a bad 200GB system drive in an AMD 64 cheapo Compaq Walmart Vista computer (god I ***HATE*** Vista!!).  I cloned over from the old drive, leaving me with nearly 800GB of available space.  In addition to the Vista partition I want to have the following set up:

The requisite boot partition(s) with both Ubuntu 8.10 Kubuntu with KDE 4.1
A separate shared Linux data partition - 250GB
The requisite swap partition
And the remainder space as shared NTFS data space where I will keep my documents and desktops from Vista.

I intend on maxing out the ram to 4GB and running VMWare Workstation under Ubuntu/Kubuntu and migrating to using VMs of MS operating systems whenever possible instead of booting straight to Vista.

So the stupid questions I have are:

What size to make the boot partitions, and can I get away with just one and simply choose which desktop environment I want to run?
What size for the swap partition since I have all the space I want?

Thanks much,

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