[ale] [OT] Mojave Experiment

Forsaken forsaken at targaryen.us
Wed Jul 30 23:18:45 EDT 2008

On Wed, 30 Jul 2008 15:19:04 -0400
"Michael B. Trausch" <mike at trausch.us> wrote:
> Most people just do the reinstallation and think
> that the data is gone... but it's not; usually it's only (poorly)
> written over.

Yeah, I used to have to DoD wipes at my former job. And for another
employer, the solution to getting rid of hard drives that were no
longer needed involved a drill press. Effective to prevent run of the
mill data recovery, but still not impossible. It was fun though!

The only real way to ensure data is gone off a drive is to drop it into
a crucible and turn it into molten slag. 

I'm actually debating what I'm going to do with this laptops hard
drive. I'm picking up a MacBook Pro tomorrow, and since this is good
gear, I'm going to try and sell it to help defray some of that cost,
but I'm a little wary of it because it has my ssh and gpg keys on it.
Hell, it might be worth it to just pop the drive and put a new one in
and keep the current one just to make sure the data never has a chance
to get into the wild.
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