[ale] IP Address reconfigruation in Cent OS 5 (RHEL 5.0)

Jerald Sheets questy at gmail.com
Sun May 13 12:17:35 EDT 2007

in /usr/sbin there are a series of utilities that also take into  
account the redhat style network profiles and everything else.

they are:


These allow you to interactively reconfigure the networking, and they  
permanently rewrite all the profile files that contain networking  

Sure, an odd way to do things, but the redhat way, to be sure.


On May 13, 2007, at 12:09 PM, Paul Borghese wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I have a crazy problem with a Cent OS 5 (RHEL 5.0) server.  I am  
> trying to statically configure my ip address, but the server will  
> not allow it.  I have edited the file /etc/sysconfig/network- 
> scripts/ifcfg-eth0 to read the following:
> DEVICE=eth0
> ONBOOT=yes
> HWADDR=00:00:6c:3c:e5:f6
> TYPE=Ethernet
> Everything works perfect. I am able to stop and restart the network  
> process (/etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart) without error.  I can  
> also manually bring the interface up/down using ifup eth0 and  
> ifdown eth0 without issue.  In both cases the IP address is  
> statically configured just as desired.
> But here is the problem.  When I reboot the server, the file ifcfg- 
> eth0 is automatically changed to a configuration that points to a  
> DHCP server.  So after a reboot, my box is using a DHCP server to  
> obtain addressing.  The original file is saved as ifcfg-eth0.bak.
> As a stop-gap measure, I could use an ifconfig statement in  
> rc.local to reset the IP address to the correct value.  But I would  
> really like to find out what is the problem and the philosophy for  
> the configuration change.
> I think it might have something to do with virtualization.  When I  
> installed the system, I selected to install the virtualization  
> packages thinking it would be something fun to experiment.  Later I  
> uninstalled the virtualization packages as I needed all available  
> memory for a program I need to run.
> Once I get a free minute, I plan to read through the rc scripts to  
> see if I can find anything, but any suggestions would be greatly  
> appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Paul Borghese
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