[ale] IP Address reconfigruation in Cent OS 5 (RHEL 5.0)

Paul Borghese pborghese at groupstudy.com
Sun May 13 12:09:14 EDT 2007

Hi Everyone,


I have a crazy problem with a Cent OS 5 (RHEL 5.0) server.  I am trying to
statically configure my ip address, but the server will not allow it.  I
have edited the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 to read the















Everything works perfect. I am able to stop and restart the network process
(/etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart) without error.  I can also manually bring
the interface up/down using ifup eth0 and ifdown eth0 without issue.  In
both cases the IP address is statically configured just as desired.


But here is the problem.  When I reboot the server, the file ifcfg-eth0 is
automatically changed to a configuration that points to a DHCP server.  So
after a reboot, my box is using a DHCP server to obtain addressing.  The
original file is saved as ifcfg-eth0.bak.


As a stop-gap measure, I could use an ifconfig statement in rc.local to
reset the IP address to the correct value.  But I would really like to find
out what is the problem and the philosophy for the configuration change.


I think it might have something to do with virtualization.  When I installed
the system, I selected to install the virtualization packages thinking it
would be something fun to experiment.  Later I uninstalled the
virtualization packages as I needed all available memory for a program I
need to run.


Once I get a free minute, I plan to read through the rc scripts to see if I
can find anything, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




Paul Borghese


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