[ale] Throwing in the towel

James Smith feenix at feenix.us
Fri Mar 23 22:44:17 EDT 2007

This is a log file that I coped different lines when it tried to connect.

What do I need to do to set up for you to look at my computer on line?  
I would rather use my phone and have you look into my computer the scrap 
all Ive done. But once I find the missing piece this laptop will be 
deleted and turned into a full Linux laptop. And I am so close I can 
scream for it not connecting.

My cell airtime is free on Sunday so it might be cheaper for me to call you.

James Smith


JK wrote:
> James Smith wrote:
>> Since I have done all I can to get my wireless to work. It works up to 
>> connecting.
> If it actually associates with an AP, it is almost certainly
> the case that the problem is some trivial-to-fix network
> configuration issue.  You might try to get someone from
> ALE to either meet with you and see if they can get it working,
> or consult over the phone. Or even provide access to the
> machine via the internet, if you have a wired connection
> available.  I would be willing to spend fifteen minutes
> on the phone with you, maybe on Sunday evening; or visit
> your machine via the network.  (The first option -- physical
> meeting -- is impractical, as I live a couple dozen hundred
> miles from Atlanta.)
> -- JK
>> So now I need recommendation on a pcima card to use.
>  >
>> The chipset on the internal card was BCM4309, which I found out today is 
>> unstable.
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