[ale] SUN VM

Greg Freemyer greg.freemyer at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 15:38:54 EDT 2007

On 3/13/07, Jeff Lightner <jlightner at water.com> wrote:
> There are Sun Chauvinists in the world.  Perhaps he ran across one who
> extolled the virtues (and virtualizations) of Solaris.  I run across
> them regularly on the LinuxQuestions site - they always seemed miffed
> when I infer Solaris isn't the be all and end all of UNIX computing.
> That's silly when of course everyone knows HP-UX fills THAT role.  ;-)

HP-UX?  You say that to a Tru64 bigot?

Actually I'm so Linux centric anymore I don't even know what the big
commercial UNIX vendors are doing, so I guess I'm a former Tru64
bigot.  I just used to like their clustering capability.

Greg Freemyer
The Norcross Group
Forensics for the 21st Century

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