[ale] VM ?

Jonathan Rickman jrickman at gmail.com
Sun Mar 11 18:40:24 EDT 2007

Assuming you are using VMWare Server, when you create the new virtual
machine, it should give you the option to create a new virtual disk, use an
existing virtual disk, or use a physical disk. When using the third option,
you can (in most cases) point it at your windows partition and boot right
up. I run a Dell Latitude 120L and did not get prompted to reactivate
(volume license key), but did get prompted on an older Dell desktop. It's a
crapshoot, but well worth it if it works out...for very obvious reasons.


On 3/11/07, Paul Cartwright <paul_tbot at pcartwright.com> wrote:
> On Saturday 10 March 2007 09:56:08 pm Jonathan Rickman wrote:
> > You can configure vmware server to use the physical partitions on the
> disk.
> > You don't need to install a copy of either OS in a vm. Just install the
> > Windows version on XP, reboot into Linux and install the Linux version.
> Now
> > point the Linux version to your XP partition, and point the XP version
> to
> > your Linux partition(s) and presto...you can "dual boot" without the
> boot
> > part.
> ok, I'll bite.. I have vmware installed and got it configured. I can't
> find
> any reference to using an existing widnows installation to create a
> virtual
> disk.. point me to the documentation for this??
> --
> Paul Cartwright
> Registered Linux user # 367800
> Ubuntu User number is # 12459
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