[ale] Entry lever question: How to install SUSE linux on a VM

Warren Myers volcimaster at gmail.com
Tue Jul 31 15:09:40 EDT 2007

as long as you have either a CD or an iso of the installer, you can install
into the vm

but yes, you need to make the vm, then start it like it was a machine, and
walk through the install steps


On 7/31/07, Hxsrmeng <hxsrmeng at gmail.com> wrote:
> How to install a install a SUSE linux system on my virtual machine?
> I have VMware Server 1.0.3 installed. The host operating system is
> Ubuntu Liunx 7.04 (local host)
> I'd like to have a VM with SUSE linux system.
> SO should I download a SUSE on my host system, and run "vmware". And
> then in the vmware console to install SUSE from the host system? Or I
> need to make an install CD or something like it?
> Thanks.
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