[ale] Comcast Speeds (again)

Jeff Hubbs hbbs at comcast.net
Mon Jul 30 10:26:25 EDT 2007

FWIW, here's mine:


David Tomaschik wrote:
> Jeff Hubbs wrote:
>> Yes, they'll point out the blazing speed, too, when you call to report 
>> an outage and the goon on the other end has no idea why, if, nor when 
>> it'll be fixed.  This is why I tell them to go pound sand when they call 
>> to try to upsell me on their VoIP.
>> Joshua Kite wrote:
>>> Thought I'd give this another test.  I'm beginning to be a pretty big 
>>> Comcast fan:
>>> http://www.speedtest.net/result/162324841.png
>>> On 7/29/07, *S C C* <scc4fun at gmail.com <mailto:scc4fun at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>     Ooh, me likey too.
>>>     http://www.speedtest.net/result/162240279.png
>>>     <http://www.speedtest.net/result/162240279.png>
>>>     Not quite as fast d/l, but at least latency is slightly better.
>>>     On 7/27/07, *Michael B. Trausch* <michael.trausch at gmail.com
>>>     <mailto:michael.trausch at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>         On Fri, 2007-07-27 at 11:17 -0400, Jim Popovitch wrote:
>>>>         I've noticed (again) that Comcast seems to have increased
>>>>         their customer
>>>>         speed limits.  Last time we discussed this it was about the 12Mb
>>>>         downstream burst capability, however at that time upstream
>>>>         was still
>>>>         768K (IIRC).  Lately I've noticed a consistent 2MB upstream
>>>>         (tested with
>>>>         their Atlanta server at One Ring Networks).
>>>>         Results:
>>>>         http://www.speedtest.net/result/161159147.png
>>>>         Anyone else seeing the same?
>>>         Hrm.
>>>         Very interesting:
>>>         http://www.speedtest.net/result/161167630.png
>>>         Those were my results from the speed test.  I like, I like.
>>>             --- Mike
>>>         --
>>>         Michael B. Trausch 	
>>>         Web: 	http://www.trausch.us/
>>>         Phone: (404) 592-5746 	
>>>         Jabber IM/Email: 	michael.trausch at gmail.com
>>>         <mailto:michael.trausch at gmail.com>
>>>         *Demand Freedom!  Use **/open/** and **/free/** protocols,
>>>         standards, and software! *
>>>         */Support free speech---it is the most valuable freedom we
>>>         have!/*
> I've begun to wonder if Comcast is specifically NOT rate-limiting
> connections to speed test sites.  I know I've never seen 27 Mbps down,
> but speedtest.net claims that's what I'm getting.  I'm paying for 6.
> http://www.speedtest.net/result/162460207.png

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