[ale] Electronic recycling day Dekalb County

Jim ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Fri Feb 23 16:04:48 EST 2007

James Sumners wrote:
> But where does it all go? I think you will find this report
> interesting -- http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/science/jan-june07/ewaste_02-19.html
> Note: I'm not saying the program you are advocating is represented by
> the report. It's just on the same topic.
Reminds me of an article in the Tampa paper years ago.  Seems the local 
officials convinced all of the orange growers in one of the central 
Florida counties to abandon burning tires and collected all the unused 
tires in a county storage area.  Someone else a while later happened on 
them and decide the best way to dispose of them was to burn them.


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