[ale] Hit Counter

Mike Fletcher fletch at phydeaux.org
Wed Feb 14 09:01:05 EST 2007

Terry Bailey wrote:
> Sure.  Here it is.  Solving the problem would be nice.

Off the cuff:

* I'm pretty sure that IE isn't going to display an X11 bitmap image 
(Mozilla probably only does due to its ancient Netscape heritage)

* the hard coded "$LOCK_XX" constants might be causing problems if the 
calls to lock and unlock weren't commented out; replace those with "use 
Fcntl qw( :flock )" and then use LOCK_SH() instead.

* the way it's storing the digits is . . . erm . . . interesting 
(basically it's storing each column (1s, 10s, ..., 10ks) as a separate 
line and then doing kinda something odometer-ish with them), but I don't 
see any reason that'd cause problems right off

That said, you'd probably be better off grabing something like the 
ImageCounter script from the nms project than trying to resurrect this.


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