[ale] motherboard RAID versus software RAID

John Wells jb at sourceillustrated.com
Fri Jan 20 16:10:22 EST 2006


I've been running software RAID on one of my servers for some time. It
works very well.

I'm now out of space, and am planning to add two additional SATA 250 GB
drives tonight as an additional RAID 1 array.  I also recently upgraded
the motherboard to an ASUS A7V-600X. The motherboard has a RAID option for
SATA drives...as I've never owned any serial ATAs before it's gone unused.

Would you recommend going with Linux's software RAID for these two drives,
or should I go with the motherboard's RAID? I have no idea of the quality
of the MB raid, and I suspect Linux's software RAID might offer more
flexibility, but wanted to hear opinions from the group.

Thanks, as always!

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