[ale] Naked DSL from Bellsouth

Daniel Howard dhhoward at comcast.net
Sat Jan 14 09:35:07 EST 2006

Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 09:17:14 -0500
From: "James P. Kinney III" <jkinney at localnetsolutions.com>
To: ale at ale.org
Subject: Re: [ale] Naked DSL from Bellsouth?

 >I don't use Comcast cable for anything but Myth Busters and Sci-Fi
Fridays. It turns out that the cable line from the house to the pole is
rather fragile. It can nearly fail with no out signs of damage. In
particular, the exterior sheathing can stretch much more than the
interior signal carrying wire. So when a wind storm bounced a limb
across my wire followed by several very warm days, the line drooped
enough that the center feed was no longer actually inserted into its

Next time that happens, go out yourself and reconnectorize the 
F-connector on the side of your house, that way it will be connected 
even if stretched.  It's also probably older drop line (most current 
ones are quad shield RG-6, yours sounds like single or dual shield), so 
you could do what one of my collegues did: his drop line 'accidentally' 
came loose from both the house and the pole one night, and they came out 
and replaced it with a more modern one.  His service improved across the 


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