[ale] ALE CENTRAL for Thursday, April 13, 7:30pm

aaron aaron at pd.org
Thu Apr 13 07:52:16 EDT 2006

The feature presentation for the ALE
April 13, 2006 Central Meeting will be

"MythTV for the Common Man for $300"

with Mike Harrison and Jesse Guardiani

MythTV is a home-brew, Linux based PVR (Personal
Video Recorder), conceptually similar to TiVo. The
project is comprisied of a suite of Open Source, GPL
programs and has been under heavy development
for almost four years. The current MythTV package is
now quite stable and capable, including features like:
-- Basic 'live-tv' functionality with time shifting
     Pause/Fast Forward/Rewind of real time streams. 
-- Support for multiple tuner cards and multiple
    simultaneous recordings. 
-- Distributed architecture allowing multiple recording
    machines and multiple playback machines on a network
-- Compresses video in software using rtjpeg or mpeg4,
   plus supports hardware MPEG-2 (PVR-250 / PVR-350)
-- Completely automatic commercial detection/skipping 
-- Grabs program information using xmltv. 

More information and a complete feature list can be found
at <http://www.MythTV.org> 

Directions and maps to Emory Law School are at

Please note that several ALE members have also
arranged a follow up "MythTV Build-In" event for
Saturday, April 22 at the Emory Law School.
The build in will provide an opportunity to get
assistance in building your own MythTV PVR
system(s). See details at <http://www.ale.org>

--Mike Harrison is biomedical engineer turned
programmer/geek. He built and operated the
regions first Internet Service Provider from
1994 until 2003, and now operates GeekLabs,
a small programming and services company in
Chattanooga TN.
--Jesse Guardiani, Professional Programmer and
Sys Admin. Sys Admin for a small town ISP from
2002 - 2005. Professional PHP programmer in
Chattanooga TN from 2005 - current. Avid Linux,
MythTV, hardware, and gaming enthusiast.

ale central associate moderator type person

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