[ale] VPN choices...

Jonathan Rickman jrickman at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 15:40:35 EST 2005

On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 08:08:02 -0500, M Raju <protocoljunkie at gmail.com> wrote:
> Jonathan,
>   Apologies if it came across the wrong way. An example would be, I
> spent 5 years at a large site (say 18,000+ users about 6 years ago)
> for a company - let us just say "Big Tobbaco". I had a tough time
> dealing with people with their arguments without even testing a
> solution. Simply saying Cisco is the "best" or we will be using
> Checkpoint because they say they will be providing the abc feature
> (because some sales rep mentioned it to Management).

Fair enough. Though I could understand rejecting open source solutions
out of hand 6 years ago.

> This was an account of my own experience, not a view in general. I was
> a Cisco monkey for several years before I came across things that are
> much better and they worked for me very well...

Ahh, but the hypothetical questions remain...

Would I want to manage 100 of them?  Could Raju? Could I hire someone
besides Raju to manage them and how much would they need to make? Or
am I stuck with it? Isn't the warranty on this new Dell hardware more
expensive than the equivilent smart-net agreement from Cisco?
(Redundant) Who's going to handle the new client setup for my 4000
remote sales agents?


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