[ale] Cut me some slack...

Christopher R. Curzio ale at accipiter.org
Wed Jan 19 19:17:27 EST 2005

The uname thing is normal, not a slackware-specific issue, and happens on
tons of machines. (Mine included; Intel PIII 500). It's not at all
important when compiling from source, since I've never seen a problem with
./configure incorrectly detecting my hardware and putting the correct
setting (i686-pc-linux-gnu) in the makefile.

As for the kernel, you'll be better off just getting the most recent 2.6
kernel from kernel.org and compiling it yourself. However I checked the
documentation, and all the referenced directories and files exist. I don't
know where you were looking, but they're correct. 

>From ANNOUNCE.10_0: "As an alternate choice, Slackware 10.0 includes Linux
2.6.7 source, kernel modules, and binary packages, along with a new
mkinitrd tool and instructions on using it to install the new kernel (see

$ ls -al /boot/README.initrd 
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 37 2004-06-26 16:37 /boot/README.initrd ->

>From README.initrd: "We'll walk through the process of upgrading to the
2.6.7 Linux kernel using the packages found in Slackware's
testing/packages/linux-2.6.7/ directory."


...so I don't know what documentation is allegedly wrong and/or what
directories don't exist, but everything is where it should be on my box
and my CDs. 

Christopher R. Curzio     |  Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax
http://www.accipiter.org  |  si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?

Thus Spake Benjamin Scherrey <scherrey at proteus-tech.com>:
Wed, 19 Jan 2005 18:37:24 -0500

>     Well I d/l Slackware 10.0 a few days back to run a server. Slackware
> is the first distribution I had success with and suck to for quite a 
> while since 1995. Shortly thereafter I moved to RedHat and have 
> primarily been using that or Mandrake ever since. I like the simplicity 
> (i.e. less fluff, not less capable) of the distribution but I'm running 
> into a couple of problems.
>     First, uname -i & -p are not working - they return 'unknown'. This 
> is on an Athlon box so maybe it has something to do with the processor. 
> This is pretty important for building gcc and a lot of other 
> configure-based source distributions. Someone mentioned something about 
> a new coreutils package on IRC but I've got the latest one according to 
> the slackware site.
>     Second, the ANNOUNCE.10_0 claims that Slackware comes with a 2.6 
> kernel option but the directory it wants me to look into simply doesn't 
> exist. Er... ok well now (as I type) I finally got a google link that 
> points me to an article that points me to the right location. This is an
> example where wrong docs are worse than no docs at all it seems... we'll
> see how that goes!
>     Does seem to be a distinct absense of support for Slackware than the
> other major distros. Guess this comes from being non-commercial. Oh 
> well... if this doesn't work out perhaps I'll give Gentoo another shot. 
> I understand they've improved the install process finally. :)
>     thanx,
>        -- Ben Scherrey
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