[ale] Bellsouth DSL

Jim Popovitch jimpop at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 10 10:51:43 EST 2005

On Mon, 2005-01-10 at 07:21 -0800, Jerald Sheets wrote:
> Wow...aren't we the a-hole this morning.
> <Office Space>
> Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays.

NO, your text to me was pretty rough with: "you know, the service
you elected not to pay for".  I only replied in kind, but with validity.


> and you are seriously missing the point.

No I'm not.  You want the ability to SPAM me, but you want me to take
for granite that you won't.  Again, (this is where you are missing my
point) this only applies to non-commercial providers.

> I have a provider that will provide me the services I
> want on my terms.  I don't need some yahoo ass admin

Who's having a bad Monday?

> somewhere determining for me what I can and cannot do
> on my own equipment *REGARDLESS* of the carrier I
> chose.

Some people, i.e. spammers, DO need to this though.

> Speedfactory will give me what I ask for, I will give
> them money.  

Good, then there is nothing wrong with this as long as SF continues
their good service.  What happens if SF starts leasing lines to spammers
to use? (btw, this happens all the time to ISP you would not even think
would do that)

> If enough people need the services I require, then
> they will also move to similar providers, who offer
> exactly what they want on their terms.
> It's called the free market, and I'm using it.  why
> this makes you angry is beyond me.  

I'm not angry about free markets.  Free markets also aren't about
everything goes.  There are regulations and restraints in the free

> Sure, I also have
> my own SMTP server (which I use when in my house for
> my private domains).  The point is *I* have the
> freedom to use *WHATEVER* SMTP server *I* decide to
> use when I am *WHEREVER* I am at that time.

Sure.  However you DON'T have the right to send me unsolicited spam.
I'm not saying that you are, but what prevents your neighbor from doing
it?  What you want is for everyone to believe that everyone else shares
your values.  Dude, that ain't gonna happen.

> Neither you, nor Bellsouth, nor god's own ISP up on
> the mountain should have the kahunas to presume to
> know how better to use my bandwidth (or prevent its
> use) than me. 

Ha.  I'd bet my $$ on SF's engineers knowing better how to use your
bandwidth before I would on you.  So your not an idiot, why should I
believe that you will always be honest?

> thank god for Speedfactory, and to hell with
> BellSouth.
> They show no concern for the customer, block ports
> that I prefer to use, and are condescending, arrogant
> assholes on the phone.

I think I see why BS are condescending towards you. ;-)

-Jim P.

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