[ale] Need to edit down a 2GB file.

Danny Cox danscox at mindspring.com
Fri Apr 22 20:44:39 EDT 2005


On Fri, 2005-04-15 at 01:10 -0400, Benjamin Scherrey wrote:
> I have a KMail MBox mail file that grew to over 2GB accidently and it 
> apparently can't handle that. As soon as i try to dl new email the 
> program exits and moving emails to another folder then compressing the 
> folder is not reducing its size. Can someone recommend a common linux 
> editor that will let me lop off the top of the file and save it so it'll 
> be below my, apparent, 2Gb limit?

	See also csplit, a context split.

kernel, n.: A part of an operating system that preserves the
medieval traditions of sorcery and black art.


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